Tiger Eye Pendant

600.00 Original price was: ₹600.00.550.00Current price is: ₹550.00.
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Tiger’s Eye is believed to help manifest the courage to take action in the face of adversity. The gem was worn by Ancient Roman soldiers to promote courage and bravery in battle. Tiger Eye has always been a mysterious stone that lives up to its name. It is a golden amulet that explores the concepts of light and dark. The Tiger Eye pulls on inner power, clarity of thought, practicality, and stunning grace, just like the animal for which it was called. This stone may be ideal for those who feel they require firm ground under their feet, courage in their hearts, and steady moods.

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The Tiger Eye Pendant, a captivating and empowering accessory, takes an active role in boosting confidence, focus, and personal strength. Adorned with the mesmerizing tiger eye gemstone, it not only complements your style but also actively infuses life with courage and determination.

Functioning as a catalyst for the solar plexus chakra, the Tiger Eye Pendant actively enhances feelings of self-assurance and empowerment. Its active properties work to dissolve self-doubt and foster a renewed sense of inner courage and resilience.

Beyond its aesthetic allure, the pendant‘s influence extends to various aspects of life. Known as the “Stone of Confidence,” it actively invites positivity and success into one’s journey. This dynamic gemstone fosters a mindset of determination, actively dispelling fear and promoting a sense of personal power.

The Tiger Eye Pendant’s active energy also extends to mental clarity and focus. It’s believed to sharpen the mind and aid in decision-making, enhancing overall concentration and problem-solving abilities.

Incorporating the Tiger Eye Pendant actively invites these transformative energies into daily life. Whether worn as an emblem of strength or used as a tool for meditation, this pendant serves as a reminder of the active courage and focus it imparts – aligning self-assurance, determination, and mental clarity in a harmonious synergy.


Crystal & Stones Tiger Eye
Shape Capsule

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